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Now You Sea It textile art

My artistic expression contains three key elements: pattern, color and texture.  I became a weaver because it requires all three of these. As a result, my fabrics combine unique complex designs with expansive colorways and a mix of yarns to create a final piece that harmoniously blends these elements. 

I have always appreciated architecture; its precision, angularity and the beauty of functional form inspires me and is a cornerstone of my art.  As a child, I would draw patterns while others drew their pets or family. As I grew, my eye recognized patterns in everything from nature to buildings to menswear.  I was always admiring the precise beauty inherent to them.

Color provides emotional impact to everything in our world.  The interplay between colors intrigues me and is critical in my fabric design process.  Integrating color into the patterns I design strengthens and complements them rather than overwhelming. Crisply defined patterns are the foundation of my work.

Texture adds a dimensional component to our lives and is the third element of my art.  As the name implies, Textiles are tactile and to me, the hand of a fabric is critical.  When selecting yarns, weight and feel are key considerations.    

Other Collages

Wall Artwork